Hostis humani generis: metamorphosis of a concept in the revolutionary context


  • Marta Nunes da Costa Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul



Carl Schmitt, Hostis humani generis, Republic, Robespierre, Terror


The goal of this article is to understand how the Republican project is built by putting the friend / enemy distinction at the heart of its speeches and practices. This article has three moments. First, I go back to the origins of the concept hostis humani generis. Next, I analyze how this concept was introduced in the history of political philosophy - first, by Bodin and his definition of the republic; later, by Locke, who, contributing to the consolidation of the narrative of the social contract, creates in his description of the state of nature, the state of war and the civil state, a new way of understanding the relationship between politics and morality, through the insertion of the concept of humanity. In a third moment, I show how this mutation occurs at the time of the French Revolution, especially in the period of the Terror and the “Great Terror” as well as how it became the other side of the Republic.


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Author Biography

  • Marta Nunes da Costa, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul

    Possui doutorado em Filosofia e Ciência Política - New School for Social Research (2006) com uma tese intitulada Redefining Individuality - Reflections on Kant, Adorno and Foucault. A sua tese foi publicada em 2011 pela Húmus Editora (Portugal). As suas áreas de especialização são Ética, Teoria e Filosofia Política, Teorias da democracia, filosofia moderna e filosofia contemporânea. É professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, onde ministra aulas de graduação do curso de Filosofia do Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais.


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How to Cite

Hostis humani generis: metamorphosis of a concept in the revolutionary context. (2021). Intelligere, 11, 1-21.