Musical Geographics

Thinking Through The Album A Hard Day's Night


  • Jucimara Pagnozi Voltareli Unoeste
  • Cláudio Benito Oliveira Ferraz



This article is the result of the research project "Geographical Languages: other spatial senses in A Hard Day's Night" (CNPq/UNESP scholarship), and was part of the experiments of the Geographical Languages ​​Research Group (GPLG), coordinated by Prof. Claudio Benito Oliveira Ferraz Ph.D. where it aims to explore new sciences through artistic languages, in this case, geographic languages. In this work, we will focus on the album A Hard Day's Night (BEATLES, EMI-Odeon, 1964), and how its music can contribute to think of other potentialities and spatial images as experimentation of the encounter of languages, although it is not a methodological manual, new experiences in the teaching of geography through potencies created by the teacher in the exercise of analyzing beyond the institutionalized geography, observing the world as a contradictory form and establishing it as geographic, thus having the thought of any phenomenon that can be qualified geographically through this approach.


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How to Cite

Musical Geographics: Thinking Through The Album A Hard Day’s Night. (2019). Revista Música, 19(1), 81-98.