Making triadic piano arrangements during pandemics: report of an informal musical interaction using an instant messaging application through a neuroscientific view


  • Marcelo Alves Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Pandemics, Neuroscience, Piano skills, Arranging, Keyboard


This work is a case study, discussed according to neuroscientific concepts, consisting of a period of musical remote interaction with a female self-learning beginning piano student from Recife, state of Pernambuco (Brazil), using an instant messaging application (Whatsapp), at the time of CODIV-19 pandemics, in which piano arranging activities were proposed. The goal of the study was to investigate changes elicited on the students’ musical practice. Data were collected from application’s chat history and media files. Results point out that the interaction was positive to student’s development. Using Whatsapp as a mean of communication and choosing arranging activities as a pedagogical tool allowed relevant behavior concerning autonomy, motivation and metacognition.


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How to Cite

Making triadic piano arrangements during pandemics: report of an informal musical interaction using an instant messaging application through a neuroscientific view. (2021). Revista Música, 21(1), 55-74.