Chapter XVIII of the Second Book of the “Treatise on Harmony Reduced to Its Natural Principles”


  • Kleber Mazziero Centro Universitário Belas Artes
  • Jean-Philippe Rameau Sem Registro de Afiliação



Choral Music, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Treatise on Harmony Reduced to Its Natural Principles, Translation, 1722


The “Treatise on Harmony Reduced to Its Natural Principles” (Traité de l’Harmonie Reduite à Ses Principes Naturels), by Jean-Philippe Rameau, published in the year 1722, is based on the Writing in Four Voices. So much so that the author named each melody a “Voice” (Partie) that, added to other “Voices” make up a Chord, a Cadence, or a Harmonic complex. Despite the fact that the term or a derivative of the term “Voice” appears 141 times in Book Two of the Treatise alone – the Book in which Rameau substantiates his argument about Harmony –, the expression “Music for Choirs” (Choeurs de Musique), which refers to Choral Music, appears only once throughout the entire Treatise. The Chapter in which the expression appears, now is translated here in full: the Chapter XVIII, of the Second Book of the Treatise of Harmony, by Rameau.


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RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe. Traité de l’Harmonie Reduite à Ses Principes Naturels. Rungis Cedex; France: MAXTOR, 2017. Reimpressão do texto original publicado por Jean-Baptiste Christophe Bailard, 1722.



How to Cite

Chapter XVIII of the Second Book of the “Treatise on Harmony Reduced to Its Natural Principles”. (2023). Revista Música, 23(1), 631-645.