Belonging and performance: dialogues between written music and improvisation in choral singing


  • Paula Castiglioni Universidade de São Paulo



Collectivity; Belonging; Choral singing; Choral Collaboration; Collective Sound


Choral singing is a social manifestation whose main action is collective singing. It contextualizes such relationships, influencing the processes of human coexistence between the involved people. This article points out how those collective vocal practices that consider the dimensions of collaboration and cultivation of a sense of belonging at the time of performance can expand the human connection between choir members, provide welcoming environments and consequently deepen in detail results concerning the collective sound of the group. It proposes to answer two questions: - How do regular care and practices, in relation to the dimension of collectivity and social interaction, influence the quality of the musical performance of a choral group? - Can vocal improvisation processes collaborate to create collective bonds and consequently lead to deeper results in performance at all levels at which it can occur? As main theoretical references, the article is based on Émile Durkheim (2019); Gainza's Violet Hemsy (2009); Pereira & Vasconcelos (2007); Ana Mae Barbosa (2023); Chris Small (1998) and Paulo Freire (2018), with the intention of linking the bibliographic contribution to previous experiences of the author.


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Biblioteca Nacional de Paris., acesso em 29/05/2023.





Dossiê Temático: Música e relações étnico-raciais

How to Cite

Belonging and performance: dialogues between written music and improvisation in choral singing. (2023). Revista Música, 23(1), 203-214.