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Author Guidelines


Articles: 8500 words excluding references plus two abstracts 270 words each.

Notes: 3000 words excluding references plus abstracts as above.

Book reviews, reports: 1500 words.

Interviews: 3000 words.



Due to editorial procedures, small variation on format and content of the manuscripts might appear along the submission, evaluation and acceptance process. Authors must be attentive to these differences, as indicated here.

Original manuscripts might enter the editorial process at any time. Text can be presented in Word (Windows), simple-spaced and aligned to the left. Font must be Times New Roman (except for symbols) in body 12. Page must be A4 (21 by 29.7 cm), with 3 cm of lateral margins and 2,5 cm on top and bottom. Document must have sequential numbering starting on 1 in the first page. Special characters (Cyrillic, Greek, etc.), if needed, must be supplied by the author and sent to

Along the peer-review phase, text must be divided in four sections: title page, abstracts, the body of the text and references. At this point text should include tables, figures and footnotes, as indicated below.

After acceptance for publication, tables, figures (and their captions) and notes must be removed from the text, and appended at the end of it in the following order: tables, figures, legends, notes and acknowledgements, in that order. Each of these divisions, at both submission phases, must be allocated in a new page, as indicated below:

II.1. Title page

For manuscripts in Portuguese, title must appear in Portuguese and English, followed by author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliation.

For manuscripts in English, title must appear in English and Portuguese, and the same as above.

For other languages (contributions in Spanish, French and Italian are welcome), original title must appear also in English, and the same as above.

Corresponding author must be indicated in all cases.



The abstract must be clear and objective, written in a unique paragraph with 270 words at maximum. It should highlight, in a succinct way, the focus of the text and its objectives, methods and principal results.

Keywords, five at most, must separated by semicolon (;) and have the first letter as a capital (ex. Sambaquis; Argolic pottery; Lithic technology; Ring villages; Dogon; Oral tradition music). Keywords in English must follow the terms used in the original language, as well as Portuguese keywords for other languages.

Articles, essays and notes in Portuguese must have abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. If an English original, it must have abstract and keywords in English and Portuguese. Other languages (Spanish, French and Italian) must have abstract and keywords in the original language and English.


Internal division of the text is a matter of author’s decision. However, whenever possible, it is suggested the use of the following sections: Introduction, Materials, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Sections and subsections should be sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals (ex. 1; 1.1; 2; 2.2; 2.2.1).

Sections titles must be formatted in bold with a capital only in the first letter, except for proper names (Ex. Introduction, Methods, Archaeological context, The Shellmound, Symbolic contexts of territory).

Subsections titles follow the same rules as above but must have a greyish bold (Ex. Introduction, Methods, Archaeological context, The Shellmound, Symbolic contexts of territory).

Titles of subdivisions in each section must be formatted in grey Italics (Ex. Introduction, Methods, Archaeological context, Symbolic contexts of territory, The Shellmound).

In all cases, titles must be separated from the text below by one blank line.

By the moment of submission, figures (maps, drawings, photographs and photo compounds, plates, etc), tables and notes must be inserted at the desired point in the text, with respective captions, in readable quality (see instructions below).

Citations must use the following patterns:

One author: Souza (1998) or Souza (1998:14-20), (Souza, 1998a, b), (Souza, 1998), (Souza, pers. comm.).

Two or more authors: Souza & Lessa (2013) or (Souza & Lessa, 2013) or (Gaspar, 2000; Souza & Lessa, 1998a, b; Queiroz, 2005) or Souza, Rodrigues & Lessa (2013), or (Souza, Rodrigues & Lessa, 2013).

More than three authors: (Souza et al., 2007), or Souza and collaborators (2007).

Literal citation: quoted text must appear within quotation marks, in Italics, followed by the quoted reference presented in one of the following patterns, depending on situation: Souza (1998:14-20) or Souza (1998: figs. 3, 5), or Souza (1998:14) or (Souza, 1998:14).

The expressions idem, ibidem, passim, etc. should not be used. Even in the case of repetitive citations, the “author-year” formula should be applied, following the examples above.


References cited must be organized in alphabetical order according to the following format:

Journal articles: Author(s). (Year). Title. Publication title, volume: initial-final pages.

Book chapters: Author(s). (Year). Chapter (or section) title. In: Editor(s) name(s) (Ed. or Org.), Book title. Publisher, Publisher’s location, volume or section, initial-final pages.

Whole books: Author(s). (Year). Book title. Publisher, Place. Books only partially considered must also include volume or section and initial-final pages.

Dissertations or Theses: Author(s). (Year). Title. (Qualification, such as Master’s Dissertation or PhD Thesis). University, Place.

Technical reports: Author(s). (Year). Title. (Qualification, such as “Partial report of...”, or “Final Report from...”). Name of institution to which the report has been presented (ex. IPHAN, FAPESP, Wenner-Gren, NSF) followed by cadastral (protocol) number, Place.

Electronic Publications: Author(s). (Year). Title. Available at <electronic address>. Accessed in: data. DOI (if available).


Tables must use font Times New Roman in size 11. The following measures must be used: 8.2 cm or 17 cm in width by 22 cm in length at maximum (including caption) when in portrait orientation; or 22 cm in width by 17 cm in length (including caption) when in landscape orientation.

Tables must be preferentially formatted in portrait orientation, only exceptionally in landscape orientation. Too large tables should be divided. They must be numbered in citing sequence, as in the following examples: Table 1, Tables 2 and 4, Tables 2-6.

Captions must be clear and comprehensible enough without recurring to the text. They must necessarily start with “Table (number)”. (Ex. “Table 2: Frequency of each identified graphic element at the parietal disposition”).

Attention: After final acceptance the following adjustments must be performed:

a. Tables must be removed from the text and replaced by the expression “insert table (number)” in bold capitals (ex: INSERT TABLE 1).

b. Tables removed from the text must be submitted separately, one table per page, identified by its number (ex. Table 1, Table 2, etc). Table sizes indicated above must be rigorously followed.

c. Table captions must also be removed from text and submitted following instructions indicated in item II.7.



Figures quality is responsibility of the authors. Images without enough resolution and sharpness will not be accepted, as well as figures with illegible internal text (such as map legends). Figures include graphs, maps, drawings, photographs (and photo compounds), or any combination of these.

Figures must be numbered in citing sequence and must be referred as follows: (Fig.1) or (Figs. 1 and 2) or (Figs. 1- 4). Individual frames of a compound figure must be referred in the text by the figure number with a capital letter (Ex. Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B). Each frame must be identified by the same capital letter of the text, at the left low corner.

Captions must be clear and comprehensible enough without recurring to the text. They must start with “Fig. (number)” (ex. Fig. 8: Percent distribution of lithic artefact types at Malhador rockshelter).

Graphic scales must be preferentially used, including maps and plants.

At the initial submission of the manuscript (before peer reviewing) figures must be sent in JPEG or TIFF and 300 dpi of resolution, with dimensions following the instructions below. Figures must be sent in independent files titled with author’s name and figure number (ex. Gomes_Fig1.jpg; Gomes_Fig 2.tiff).

Figures must be provided by authors with the following measures: 8.2 cm or 17 cm in width by 22 cm in length at maximum (including caption) when in portrait orientation, or 22 cm in width by 17 cm in length (including caption) when in landscape orientation.

Exceptionally, original photographic files might be accepted, but resolution must be at least eight megapixels. Image quality must be prime, as this journal will not proceed with further digital treatments. Black and white or color images must have high resolution (300 dpi or more), even if inserted into compound figures.

By the time of initial submission of the manuscript (before peer reviewing) all figures and captions must be included in the text, and should be compacted to 96 dpi.

Attention: by the time of final submission (after acceptance for publication) the following adjustments must be performed:

a. Figures must be removed from the text and replaced by the expression “INSERT FIGURE (figure number)” in bolded capitals (ex. INSERT FIGURE 1);

b. Figure captions must also be removed from the text and submitted according to item II.8.


For final submissions (after peer reviewing) tables and figures captions must be removed from the text and listed at the end, in crescent order. Table captions must come first, following instructions indicated on section II.5. Figure captions should come in sequence, following instructions indicated on section II.6.


Footnote numbering must be sequential, starting in 1.

For final submission (after being accepted) footnotes must be removed from the text. Bolded note number in parenthesis, like (1), must signal the entry location of each note. Notes must be listed in numeric order at the end of the text. Please note that footnotes must be short and objective, and will be computed in the maximum size of the text.


Acknowledgements must be included only after peer reviewing, by the time of final submission of the text. They are not mandatory and must be succinct, 100 words at maximum.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.


This section publishes original articles presenting original scientific research results, or the development of methodology, or extensive bibliographical or theoretical reviews on relevant research topics for Archeology, Ethnology, Museology.


This section publishes original reviews of books, theses, dissertations and other productions, such as films, exhibitions, websites and events, symposia and workshops of interest to the areas of Archeology, Ethnology, Museology and that have been published or defended within the 12 months prior to the publication of the journal volume.


This section publishes interviews with renowned professionals in the areas of Archeology, Ethnology, Museology.


This section publishes preliminary and partial results of original research, still in development, which have as main feature high relevance to the discussion and significant impact on the existing knowledge in the fields of Archeology, Ethnology, Museology, justifying immediate or in short time publication.

Artigos livres

Esta seção publica textos inéditos, desvinculados dos dossiês temáticos, que apresentem resultados de pesquisa científica original, ou desenvolvimento de método, ou revisões bibliográficas ou teóricas extensas, sobre tema relevante para a pesquisa em arqueologia, etnologia, museologia.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Open Access, Copyright, Ethics and Anti-Plagiarism Policy *

Open access policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

The Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia is committed to open access, ethical integrity and the quality of its publications. All parties involved in the editorial process (authors, editors, reviewers and members of the editorial and scientific boards) must respect these principles, which are publicly registered in the Journal Platform of the Universidade de São Paulo and in the Directory of Editorial Policies of Brazilian Scientific Journals (Diadorim).

Thus, are guaranteed  guarantees the authors of the articles the copyright and publishing rights, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence , that is, the authors who publish in this Journal agree with the following terms:

  1. Authors may assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this Journal.
  2. The authors agree that the work is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which allows the sharing of the work, without commercial uses or derivations, with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this Journal.
  3. The Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia may assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (e.g. institutional repository, bibliographic indexing bases, collections of articles), with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Editors will take the necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles where research misconduct or ethical violations occur, such as plagiarism, manipulation of citations and falsification / fabrication of data, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, among others. Situations and allegations that come to the attention of editors and evaluators will be taken to the Editorial Committee, which will take the appropriate measures, including referral to higher levels of the University, if necessary.

* This statement follows recommendations from the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, of which the Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia is a signatory.