The art. 28 of the Universal Declaration of the Man's Rights or the warranty of the effective appropriation of the Human Rights


  • Cláudia Perrone-Moisés


Direitos Humanos, Ordem econômica internacional, Direito ao desenvolvimento.


The article 28 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights establishes that "every man has the right to have a social and international order in which every right and freedom of the Declaration could be totally assured". Considering the expression "international order" as international economic order, this text proposes a critical view of the law that regulates international economic relations since the rules and institutions which regulate this relations are not assuring the order referred in article 28. Under these conditions we propose that the principles of human rights, specially the right to development, should be applied to regulate these relations, in order to warrant an economic order where justice prevails and the rights and freedoms established in the Declaration could be realized.


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How to Cite

The art. 28 of the Universal Declaration of the Man’s Rights or the warranty of the effective appropriation of the Human Rights. (1999). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 94, 315-321.