The Origin of Universal Biolaw. Relative Death: an Artifical Law, a new legal interpretation system


  • Newton Martins Pina


Biolaw, Relative Death, Artificial Rights, Artificial Right Jural Relation, Cyclical Period, Artificial Attribute, Analogous Bilateral Feelings, Contractual-altruistic System, Dignity of Human Life, Human Fragments, Limitless biolegal responsibility.


The present paper, directed towards Biolaw, aims at presenting a new modality of legal fiction, “relative death”, inherent to the “artificial rights jural relation”, both linked to the advent of the new right –“artificial right”, which protects human beings and other kinds of human life: human individuals and “human fragments”; the latter possessing “improper mediate capacity”, of rights and obligations. The theme called into question transcends the already known concepts of death, life and dignity, the Medicine of which, upon making the innate natural rights artificial, provides humanity with the “artificial attribute”, supported by “analogous bilateral feelings”, thus putting into effect a “contractual-altruistic system” with powers of res judicata. For some time now, the world has been stepping into a new era - the “cyclical period”, in which there is an urgent need for breaking paradigms, the “conscience” of which is the true value of the human being. Presently, one is on intimate terms with the “limitless biolegal responsibility”, the Law of which, due to the lack of legal protection in view of the evolution of Medicine, has a huge probability of giving rise to insecurity, injustice and indignity when practiced. The present paper represents advancement towards the “debiolization” of the Law. It is the origin of the new constitutional principle, the “Principle of the Dignity of Human Life”.


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How to Cite

The Origin of Universal Biolaw. Relative Death: an Artifical Law, a new legal interpretation system. (2007). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 102, 261-324.