The path and the walker – destinies of a nomadic justice in the search for the sense


  • João Guilherme Silva Marcondes de Oliveira


Legal hermeneutics, Hermeneutic experience, Value´s appreciativelinguistic tradition, Constructive activity, Reasonability.


This article treats about the legal hermeneutics in the contemporary society, in which the norm´s meaning content is open to the judicial construction. Contextualizing the theme of interpretation in the legal field in a first moment, the text points the relation between living and interpretating, according to the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. States the fallacy of the brocade in claris cessat interpretatio, to demonstrate that the judge carries out a constructive activity. Assumes a differenced perspective to overcame the paradox between the objectivity and the subjectivity in the interpretation, to show that the judge finds himself in a value´s appreciative-linguistic tradition, which must be observed in the search for the best interpretation. Concludes that the interpretation, creative activity, is correct when designates a reasonable path, heir of it's past, compromised whit the future.


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Academic Papers of Post-Graduates

How to Cite

The path and the walker – destinies of a nomadic justice in the search for the sense. (2009). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 104, 747-765.