The justinian’s program of law studies in Byzantine Empire: the constitution omnem, the reorganization of courses and the “new method” of law teaching in the “period of antecessores”


  • Edson Kiyoshi Nacata Junior


Constitutio “Omnem”, Justinian’s compilation, Reorganization of law studies, “Antecessores”.


In a large synthesis, we offer, in this study, the linies of the reform of the law studies under Justinian with basis in the informations done by the constitutio Omnem”, from 533 A. D., addressed to law professors of Constantinople and Beyrouth schools, and also the general caracteristics of some methods of transmition of the compilated law by the “antecessores”, who taught in the period from 533 to 565 A.D.


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Academic Papers of Post-Graduates

How to Cite

The justinian’s program of law studies in Byzantine Empire: the constitution omnem, the reorganization of courses and the “new method” of law teaching in the “period of antecessores”. (2012). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 106(106-107), 677-719.