The journal Gestão & Políticas Públicas - RG&PP - receives submissions of articles and reviews in continuous flow.


The RG&PP is a biannual electronic journal of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (EACH/USP) that publishes original articles and reviews that address interdisciplinary studies focusing on both public management and the management process as well as the different nuances related to public policies. It is of interest to RG&PP to receive articles that address the various possible interfaces between Management and Public Policies, whether with qualitative or quantitative approaches, focusing on subjective or objective aspects, macro and/or microsocial, whether contemporary themes or historical perspectives.

RG&PP started its activities in 2011, it is a biannual magazine and has 16 issues to date, bringing articles and reviews from several renowned authors in the academic field from over fifteen countries!

We hope to publish the missing issues for 2019 by the end of October 2020.

The process of submission of articles and reviews obeys a continuous flow and takes place from , being possible to publish texts in Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, French or English.

Those interested in submitting articles or reviews should register in the system, which also contains the formatting rules of the journal.

We thank all of you and ask you to divulge RG&PP. We thank you for your support and encouragement.



Prof. Dr. Alessandro Soares da Silva



Flavia Mori Sarti

Neli Ap. de Mello-Théry

Associated Publishers