Imago Mundi: a escritura do mundo - as cidades norte-americanas sob o olhar de Jean-Paul Sartre


  • Adson Cristiano Bozzi Ramatis Lima Universidade Estadual de Maringá; Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



north american cities, north american architecture, french philosophy


This article will exanimate two texts written by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, namely, New York City and colonial and Cities of America, written after a trip to the United States of America, token by the author in the year of 1945. These texts are the only works of French philosopher dealing, almost exclusively, the theme of architecture and urbanism. On the other hand, Its are a specific literary genre, so-called "travel narrative" or "travel literature", and this condition has a specific code and its own regulations. Accordingly, we list and describe their topos more frequent, as the "comparison" and the "amazement", thinking that a trip is always the opportunity of meeting with the otherness. After that, we analyzed the comments that the French philosopher did about the architecture and cities of United States of America.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. C. B. R. (2008). Imago Mundi: a escritura do mundo - as cidades norte-americanas sob o olhar de Jean-Paul Sartre. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 7, 80-92.