Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and differential diagnosis with linear psoriasis




Dermatology, Skin disease, Ambulatory assistance


           Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN) is a rare clinical variety of verrucous epidermal nevus that manifests in early childhood as inflammatory lesions of keratosis surface, which coalesce and spread in band, following Blaschko lines. It makes a differential diagnosis with Linear Psoriasis; it is difficult to differentiate them given the clinical and histopathological aspects common to both, emphasizing the need to know the specific characteristics of each. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate a relatively rare affection, expressed in a 5-year-old girl, evolving from the first days of life with papulokeratosic plaques arranged linearly, followed by inflammatory signs and eroded areas, placed linearly, overtaking labia majora, perineum, the inner and upper face of the left thigh. Also, the patient showed keratotic papules and plaques in the posterior cervical region and external lateral border of the left foot plant, ascending along the posterior region of this limb. The clinical and histopathological criteria corroborate the diagnosis of ILVEN in differentiation with linear psoriasis, emphasizing the importance of establishing criteria/instruments to assist in distinguishing these two dermatoses in order to expedite the diagnosis, to optimize the treatment and minimize patients’ discomfort. Long-term follow-up of patients with this disease is suggested due to the possibility, albeit minimal, of ILVEN malignancy.


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How to Cite

Zemero MIM, Santos MAL dos, Mendes AMD, Pires CAA. Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and differential diagnosis with linear psoriasis. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 May 19];54(3):e-176014. Available from: