Madelung's disease (multiple symmetric lipomatosis)

case report




Lipomatosis, Madelung's Disease, Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosis


Study: The present study is a case report, carried out based on a review of medical records, authorized by the ethics committee of the hospital, and the informed consent form signed by the patient.

Importance: Madelung disease or multiple symmetric lipomatosis is a rare disorder of undefined aetiology, often associated with alcoholism and characterized by the presence of non-encapsulated symmetrically distributed adipose tissue masses, mainly in the upper trunk and cervical regions, which progressively increase which progressively increase size and lead to cosmetic disfigurement of the patient. It can cause symptoms arising from compression of vascular, nervous and aerodigestive tract structures. Lipectomy and liposuction are the treatments of choice, although generally palliative.

Comments: The present paper reports a case of Madelung's disease and presents a brief review of the literature on the subject, emphasizing the importance of clinical recognition of this entity, as well as its multidisciplinary management.



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Author Biographies

  • Karina Nacano Guariento, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente (SP), Brasil

    Médica em especialização de Dermatologia no Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente.

  • Rafael Tomaz Gomes, Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP), São Paulo (SP), Brasil

    Colaborador do Ambulatório de Estomatologia do Dep. de Dermatologia.

  • Vivien Longo Esteves, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente (SP), Brasil

    Dermatologista do Ambulatório Médico de Especialidades de Presidente Prudente e Professora.

  • Gisele Alborghetti Nai, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente (SP), Brasil

    Professora do Dep. de Patologia.

  • Marilda Aparecida Milanêz Morgado de Abreu, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), Presidente Prudente (SP), Brasil
    Coordenadora da Residência e Especialização de Dermatologia do Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente, Professora Titular da UNOESTE.


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How to Cite

Guariento KN, Gomes RT, Esteves VL, Nai GA, Abreu MAMM de. Madelung’s disease (multiple symmetric lipomatosis): case report. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 22 [cited 2024 May 17];52(4):355-60. Available from: