A insegurança gerando mal-estar em destinos turísticos

uma reflexão sobre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro





Tourism, Social Fear, Perception, Restrictive Factors, Rio de Janeiro


The tourist activity, among other aspects, is mainly characterized by the displacement of subjects between different territories, for the most varied reasons. The prior information that travellers have about the numerous destinations they can choose, has a great influence on decision making. Public security problems are characterized as restrictive factors for such a choice, as they impose risks to the life and physical integrity of individuals. Some locations present socio-environmental conditions that provide territorialized social fear, characterized as a collective fear in a certain part of the space, presenting uninterrupted or temporary characteristics that can provide risks and discomfort for people. Thus, it is questioned whether tourist destinations with public security problems would add reckless and negative elements to their image, generating social fear and causing discomfort to tourists? Seeking to answer this question, the objective of this article was defined to highlight social fear through insecurity, as a relevant restrictive factor for tourism and a cause of discomfort for visitors. First, a bibliographic survey was carried out on the topics of restrictive factors to tourism and social fear. The empirical research had a first qualitative part, formed by interviews with 15 tourists, and the second part was quantitative, had 384 forms applied to tourists, both stages passed in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Preliminary results indicate insecurity as a prominent restrictive factor for tourism in Rio de Janeiro, which can generate discomfort and contribute to social fear.


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Author Biographies

  • MARCELLO Tomé, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Coordinator and professor of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism (Master's) at UFF. He teaches at the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism and at the Higher Course of Technology in Hospitality at UFF. He holds a bachelor's degree in Geography (UFF), a Postgraduate degree (lato sensu) in Environmental Planning-Environmental Education (UFF), a Master's degree in Human Geography - emphasis in Tourism Geography (USP), a PhD in Geography - Urban-Regional Territorial Planning (UFF). Post-doctoral internship at the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Málaga, Spain (post-doctoral fellowship by CAPES). Visiting professor at Universitat de Girona (Catalunya/Spain) with Academic Mobility Scholarship for Professors of the ERASMUS Program +KA107. He is part of the following research groups in the CNPq Directory: DISTURB (Restrictive Factors for Tourism); Accessible Tourism Observatory; TerroirTur. Area of ​​Expertise in Research and Teaching: Tourism and Public Security - Tourism, Fear and Violence - Tourism and Accessibility - Tourism in Urban Space - Tourism and Environment - Tourist Area of ​​Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

  • Manoela Valduga, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Bachelor of Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007), Bachelor of Tourism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2002), Master of Tourism from the University of Caxias do Sul (2007) and Doctorate in Tourism by the University of Aveiro (2020). She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of the Fluminense Federal University. He is a member of the Niterói Tourism Observatory, participates in projects of the Ministry of Tourism, coordinates and acts in research in the area of Tourism, with an emphasis on Hospitality, acting mainly on the issues of hospitality, risk and safety in tourism, tourist experience and tourism development.

  • Ericka Amorim

    She holds a degree in Tourism from Universidade Salvador (2000), a specialization in Marketing (2001), a Masters in Management and Development in Tourism from the University of Aveiro (2006) and a PhD in Geography and Territorial Planning from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2013). He has experience in the field of Tourism, working mainly on the following topics: tourism, marketing, planning and tourism security.


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How to Cite

TOMÉ, MARCELLO; VALDUGA, Manoela; AMORIM, Ericka. A insegurança gerando mal-estar em destinos turísticos: uma reflexão sobre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Turismo em Análise, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 33, n. 2, p. 328–346, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-4867.v33i2p328-346. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.usp.br/rta/article/view/199043.. Acesso em: 14 jun. 2024.