Espaços movediços e conflitantes na Manaus de Milton Hatoum


  • Sophia Beal University of Minnesota


Milton Hatoum, Cinzas do Norte, Manaus, urban studies, cultural geography.


The ruinous spatial practices that took place in Manaus during the military dictatorship haunt Milton Hatoum’s 2005 Cinzas do Norte. The novel’s physical setting ensnares us in a game of piecing together how the city is meaningful both to the imaginary narrative and beyond the bounds of the novel. We discover, in this process, a Manaus in continuous flux, which defies representation and bears the marks of power struggles and historical violence. Manaus’s belle époque architecture and the Cidade Flutuante are topoi that are significant to this game of spatial interpretation. The Cidade Flutuante is both a real neighborhood and a metaphor that suggests a vulnerable space, often eclipsed by the imposing heft of Manaus’s neoclassical belle époque structures.


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Author Biography

  • Sophia Beal, University of Minnesota
    Professora de Literatura Brasileira na University of Minnesota, Estados Unidos.



How to Cite

Beal, S. (2017). Espaços movediços e conflitantes na Manaus de Milton Hatoum. Teresa, 17, 71-86.