Amor maldito, motor da poesia: a Provença e a modernidade


  • Francesca Manzari Universidade de Aix-Marseille


Provençal poetry, troubadours, melancholy, Ezra Pound, Haroldo de Campos


It is the composition of the troubadours’ lives that confers to the Grand Chant a Romanesque and fictional dimension that allowed the construction of “damned” figures such as Jaufre Rudel, Bertrand de Born, Guillem de Berguedan, Folquet de Marseille, Raimon Jordan... From the love sung by the trobar, its destructive opposite is born -- melancholy, resulting from the lady’s absence, awaits the minstrel, waiving at him the risk of no longer composing. Such reflection will lead authors as Ezra Pound, Haroldo and Augusto de Campos, to recognize in the Provence of the 12th-13th centuries the original place, the topos outopos of poetry.


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Author Biography

  • Francesca Manzari, Universidade de Aix-Marseille
    é professora de literatura comparada na Universidade de Aix-Marseille. Publicou o livro Écriture derridienne: entre langage des rêves et critique littéraire (Editions Peter Lang, 2009) e organizou, com Fridrun Rinner, a edição da coletânea de ensaios Traduire le même, l’Autre ou le soi (presses de l’Université de Provence, 2011). Dirige, desde 2011, o mestrado “Tradução literária e interculturalidade” e trabalha atualmente com as leituras e reescrituras modernas e contemporâneas do Grand Chant, em Ezra Pound, James Joyce, Jacques Roubaud e outros escritores.



How to Cite

Manzari, F. (2014). Amor maldito, motor da poesia: a Provença e a modernidade. Teresa, 15, 130-141.