A utopia concreta da poesia: "Uma árvore de veneno" de Blake


  • John Brenkman The City University of New York


William Blake, Marxism, hermeneutics, post-st­ructuralism


The essay examines some broad perspectives on the art that comes from the tradition of “critical Marxism”, by analyzing a poem of Songs of Experience, written by William Blake. The reading is related to hermeneutics and post-structuralism, as the aesthetic writings of the Frankfurt School.


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Author Biography

  • John Brenkman, The City University of New York
    John Brenkman é professor de literatura norte-americana e literatura comparada na The City University of New York – CUNY, onde dirige o Seminário EUA-Europa no Baruch College. Foi editor-fundador da revista Social Text. É autor de Culture and domination (Cornell UP) e Straight male modern: a cultural critique of psychoanalysis (Routledge), entre outros títulos. Contribuiu com o ensaio “Innovation: notes on nihilism and the aesthetics of the novel” para o volume 2 de The novel. Themes and forms, obra coletiva editada por Franco Moretti (Princeton up), sendo ainda autor de mais de cinquenta ensaios e artigos. Colaborou para o blog http://www.greatissuesforum.org/ (Seminar@The Forum).



How to Cite

Brenkman, J. (2013). A utopia concreta da poesia: "Uma árvore de veneno" de Blake. Teresa, 12-13, 244-256. https://www.periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/99369