Com quantos fios se entretece um Desafio: Encontro de Patativa do Assaré com a alma de Zé Limeira, o poeta do absurdo


  • Cláudio Henrique Sales Andrade Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

Palabras clave:

Patativa do Assaré, Popular Culture, Poetic Challenge


“Desafio de cantadores” is a duet in which theparticipants in a poetic challenge compose the lyrics of the songs at the moment of singing. It 's an artistic manifestation of popular culture, spread widely around the Northeast of Brazil. Although its origin is linked to the historical necessity of communication, it has been a paradigm for the creation of different poetic games in the field of popular and rural culture as well as in the urban and erudite culture. With a Desafio (“challenge’) by Patativa do Assaré — a Brazilian poet — as the object of study; this essay describes the conditions and the pre-requirements that make up the dialectic process of maintenance and transformation of this kind of poetic challenge


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Cláudio Henrique Sales Andrade, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
    Licenciado em Ciências Sociais pela UFC , Bacharel em Letras pela USP, Mestre e Doutorando em Literatura Brasileira pela USP



Cómo citar

Andrade, C. H. S. (2003). Com quantos fios se entretece um Desafio: Encontro de Patativa do Assaré com a alma de Zé Limeira, o poeta do absurdo. Teresa, 4-5, 181-214.