Literatura: gramática e civilidade


  • Olgária Matos Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Mots-clés :

literary education, conviviality, process of civilisation


In the contemporaneous capitalism, culture has been framed by a continuous obsolescence and by the temporality of the means of communication, producing mutations in the structure of the society and particularly in the role of the actual literature. A iming at the impossibility of discerning values, literature may not be considered anymore a literary accomplishment of the thought and the sensibility. W hen education is not apprehended as a dimension of conviviality, the realm of literature loses the intellectual experience sense and ethics causing the weakness of cognition, the increase and the saturation of information



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Olgária Matos, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
    é professora aposentada da Universidade de São Paulo e professora visitante da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Estudiosa da Escola de Frankfurt




Comment citer

Matos, O. (2010). Literatura: gramática e civilidade. Teresa, 10-11, 91-110.