Research on Cultural Items in Translation Studies. A Bibliometric Analysis


  • Javier Franco Aixelá Universidad de Alicante



Culture, Translation studies, Bibliometrics, History of science


In this article I perform a bibliometric analysis of academic research dealing with the relationship between culture and translation. After establishing the central role of culture for the understanding of modern translation studies as an autonomous discipline, I present the empirical methodology used. All the data are drawn from the bibliographical database BITRA, comprising over 83,000 annotated entries as of December 2020. Then, some central bibliometric parameters are analysed, including productivity, thematic co-occurrence, language distribution, publishing formats or impact in an attempt to understand the evolution and nature of this object of study.


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Author Biography

  • Javier Franco Aixelá, Universidad de Alicante

    Universidad de Alicante, Espanha. Email:


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Número Especial - Tradução e Cultura

How to Cite

Aixelá, J. F. . (2021). Research on Cultural Items in Translation Studies. A Bibliometric Analysis. TradTerm, 40, 62-94.