The time of work: time-to-come in face of spacialized time


  • Philippe Zarifian École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Plataforma Lattes



sociology of work, spacialized time, time-to-come


This article investigates the subject of work productivity through the optics of the reciprocal interiority between time and work. This interiority reveals, in the conceptual plane, the confrontation of two time concepts: the spacialized time, quantitative and physic, measured by the instants successions materialized on the clock; and the time-to-come, qualitative and psychological, understood as duration, in which there is a permanent impulse of the past totality towards the future. These times present, in face of work, different ways of social manifestation: The spacialized time manifests itself as discipline and regulation of the work acts; and the time-to-come manifests itself as mobilization of the past experience and anticipation of the future. Finally, it is shown that, while the times are necessarily linked to work, both being effective social products, there is a clear unbalance in the manifestation of both times.


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Dossiê Trabalho: Novas Perspectivas

How to Cite

Zarifian, P. (2002). The time of work: time-to-come in face of spacialized time . Tempo Social, 14(2), 1-18.