O mundo após o 11 de setembro: a perda da inocência


  • Rubens Ricupero Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento




World conflicts, United States, 11 set., Unilateralism, Multilateralism, Globalization, External politics


After the illusions that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall were dispelled and the perplexity with the possible immediate consequences of the American 9/11 counterattack was over, what followed was an increase in the power of the State, a unilateral use of this power, an incitement to the disagreements among world forces, a shrinking from the globalization tendency and a reversal of the gains produced by "the dividends of peace". All this brought about the resurgence of a political economic nationalism manifested by the assertion of State over market power, with a prevalence of political strategy over the economy and commerce. Even the "multilateralism" proffered by a few heads of State does not comprise an authentic democratization of international relations. All that is left for Brazil to do is to struggle for a reform of the architecture of international finances and of the multilateral commerce system, mobilizing nations with similar interests so that, together, they can explore the spaces left open by the limitations on American power and that of the other industrialized countries, in order to achieve reciprocal and generous cooperation inspired in the self-interest of each nation, on the conscience that we are interdependent. The solution to the predicament of development and the traps of poverty will not come from the (re)building of physical, political, judicial, economic and, mainly, mental walls.


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Author Biography

  • Rubens Ricupero, Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento

    é ex-ministro da Fazenda (governo Itamar Franco), é secretário-geral da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento (Unctad). Publica aos domingos uma coluna na seção Opinião Econômica, do caderno Dinheiro da Folha de S. Paulo.


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How to Cite

Ricupero, R. (2003). O mundo após o 11 de setembro: a perda da inocência . Tempo Social, 15(2), 9-30. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-20702003000200002