The 60's generation: the weight of an inheritance


  • Irene Cardoso Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



60's generation, Experience and revolt, Political movements and counterculture, Inheritance transmissions, Affiliations


The article aims at analyzing the excessive weight of the inheritance of the 60's generation over youth today. It focuses on the historicity of the movements of that decade, be it from the point of view of its affiliations, or of its non-homogeneity, with the objective of understanding the process that built the myth of the 1960's, over the years, and of the identity figuration of its generation, diluting the complexity, the heterogeneity, the conflicts, the inheritances and the historical contextualization of the movements. The identification of the later generations with the myth of the generation of the 60's, that has become manifest episodically, indicates the imprisonment of the younger generations by the image of a heroic identity of the previous generation. This points to an absence of a movement to separate the generations, and thus, of the production of a generational difference, and of the difficulties of receiving the inheritance, i.e., of the possibility of the making of a new affiliations.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, I. (2005). The 60’s generation: the weight of an inheritance . Tempo Social, 17(2), 93-107.