Social space and networks: methodological contributions to the sociology of elites


  • Elisa Klüger Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento



Elites, Networks, Multiple correspondence analysis


This article presents a methodological contribution to the field of sociology of elites based on the conjugated use of social networks and geometric social spaces, generated using multiple correspondence analysis. After discussing how these methods can be associated, it depicts research works that place social properties on networks or draw networks on social spaces. Finally, it is shown how methodological conjugation can contribute to the field of sociology of elites by offering a way to test if there is a greater probability of approximation between those who have convergent habitus, to operationalize social capital and to comprehend – in a structural and relational perspective – processes of cooptation and colligation of members of dominant fractions trough marriages, clubs, choice of successors and professional and political alliances


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Author Biography

  • Elisa Klüger, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento

    Pós-doutoranda do Programa Internacional de Pós-doutorado do CEBRAP


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Dossiê - Elites

How to Cite

Klüger, E. (2017). Social space and networks: methodological contributions to the sociology of elites. Tempo Social, 29(3), 83-110.