The tension between social time and individual time


  • Josué Pereira da Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas



André Gorz, Social theory, Time, Time of work, Aging


The article explores the theme of time in the work of André Gorz, using this motif as a basis for understanding his conception of the relationship between individual and society. This aim in mind, it identifies and describes his three approaches to time: the first seeks to construct an axiology of values based on the three temporal dimensions (past, present and future); the second examines the relationship between time and aging; and the third deals with the time of work. After describing each of these three approaches, the article concludes by identifying the tension between social time and individual time in the author's theory, a tension that largely arises from a philosophical viewpoint that conceives individual and society as almost antagonistic entities.


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Homenagem a André Gorz

How to Cite

Silva, J. P. da. (2009). The tension between social time and individual time . Tempo Social, 21(1), 35-50.