Working-class strategy and neocapitalism


  • Iram Jácome Rodrigues Universidade de São Paulo. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. Departamento de Economia



Working-class strategy, Neocapitalism, Unionism, Socialism


This text discusses some of the questions raised by André Gorz in his book Working-class strategy and neocapitalism, published in the mid 1960s. It situates this work as part of a wider set of studies by the author in which he explores the transformations in capitalism in central countries after the Second World War, focusing on how these prompted the need for new action strategies among the working-class and union movements. The first theme discussed is the relationship between general and specific demands and the role performed by reformism in working-class action. Secondly, based on this new phase, the article reflects on André Gorz's studies concerning overall changes within capitalism and, by extension, within the more developed capitalist societies. Finally, the article analyzes in more detail the question of the workplace, company, factory and production as a fundamental locus in the fight for working-class emancipation.


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Homenagem a André Gorz

How to Cite

Rodrigues, I. J. (2009). Working-class strategy and neocapitalism . Tempo Social, 21(1), 51-64.