The Alienist: madness, power and science


  • Roberto Gomes Universidade Federal do Paraná



Science, Madness, Power, The Alienist, Machado de Assis, Positivism


This article analyzes Machado de Assis short story The Alienist. Centered on the delusions of Simão Bacamarte, a psysician and psychiatrist, in this fiction are reflected the impasses and intentions of the scientific conceptions of the nineteenth century, particularly of the Positivism which has profound links with the birth of the Humanities. On the on hand, the thirst for a scientifically sound explanation of its object, in this case Madness, and on the other the right he attributes himself of arbitrating on Madness and the Mad, and of acing upon these arbitrations with complete and total powers. Machado de Assis' work denounces the link between science and power, as well as the appropriation by men of science of the right each individual possesses of telling his or her own truth. This conducts the story to its final irony: there seem to be more madness in the pretension of establishing clear-cut limits between Reason and Madness than in losing oneself between these proposed limits.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Gomes, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Escritor e professor de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Paraná.


ASSIS, Machado de. (1979) O Alienista. In: Obra Completa. Vol. II, Conto e Teatro. Organizada por Afrânio Coutinho, 4ª edição, ilustrada. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Aguilar, p. 253-288.

FOUCAULT, Michel. (1978) História da loucura na Idade Clássica. Trad. de José Teixeira Coelho Netto. São Paulo, Editora Perspectiva.

FOUCAULT, Michel. (1979) Microfísica do poder. Organização e tradução de Roberto Machado. Rio de Janeiro, Edições Graal.

FOUCAULT, Michel. (1987) As palavras e as coisas. Uma arqueologia das ciências humanas. Tradução Salma Tannus Muchail, 4ª edição. São Paulo, Martins Fontes Editora.






How to Cite

Gomes, R. (1993). The Alienist: madness, power and science. Tempo Social, 5(1/2), 145-160.