The expansion of the private security in France. Submitted privatization of the police action or a better management of the colletive security?


  • Frédéric Ocqueteau Centre d‘Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques



Security, Public security, Private security, Privatization of the security, Police, Criminality


The objective of the author is to analyze the security privatization in France, pointing out their fields of performance, and how it was accpeted by public officials, private companies and by the society. The text has also graphics to demonstrate the changes of time and place relating them with the kinds of services.


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Author Biography

  • Frédéric Ocqueteau, Centre d‘Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques

    Pesquisador do Centre d‘Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques, CNRS-Paris, França.


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Estratégias de Intervenção Policial no Estado Contemporâneo

How to Cite

Ocqueteau, F. (1997). The expansion of the private security in France. Submitted privatization of the police action or a better management of the colletive security?. Tempo Social, 9(1), 185-195.