Life and forms of Simmel's sociology


  • Lenin Bicudo Bárbara Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



In this paper, I seek to grasp and analyze the sociological program of the german thinker Georg Simmel (1858-1918), deemed as one of the founders of german sociology. The analysis will be guided by a close reading of the main methodical analogies that Simmel resorted to in his attempt to give a foundation to sociology as a scientific endeavor. The purpose of this paper is to expose some of the main questions that shaped Simmel's sociological program, in order to identify the distinctive mark of the answers he gave to such questions.


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Dossiê - Fundamentos da Sociologia

How to Cite

Bárbara, L. B. (2014). Life and forms of Simmel’s sociology . Tempo Social, 26(2), 89-107.