Early Modern Printed Artefacts: Form and materiality of hand-press works housed at the rare book collection of the University of Brasília’s Central Library





History of the book., Early Modern History, Material culture, Material bibliography, Rare book collections, University of Brasília’s Central Library


In this article, I argue that early modern printed artifacts reflect cultural patterns, whilst being a result of the limits imposed by economic decisions and technique. By articulating two investigative scales, I highlight the analytical gain that the study of the materiality of early modern printed artefacts and their collective graphic production and editing processes, as well as of the modes of textual organization and visual information recorded on paper over time provide to historical research. On the one hand, the article introduces readers to the general aspects of production of printed material in the period. On the other hand, since hand press’ printed artefacts often exhibit specific configurations and marks originated at different periods of time, the article examines the graphic and material features of paradigmatic examples printed in the European continent, in the 16th and 17th centuries. Most of the analysed materials are housed at the rare book collection of the University of Brasília’s Central Library.


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Author Biography

  • André de Melo Araújo, Universidade de Brasília

    Professor de História Moderna na Universidade de Brasília. Bolsista de Produtividade do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). E-mail: andre_meloaraujo@yahoo.com.br



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A goldlie forme of hovseholde government… Gathered by R. C. At London. Printed by Felix Kingston, for Thomas Man, 1600.

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Material Culture Studies

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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, André de Melo. Early Modern Printed Artefacts: Form and materiality of hand-press works housed at the rare book collection of the University of Brasília’s Central Library. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, São Paulo, v. 29, p. 1–51, 2021. DOI: 10.1590/1982-02672021v29e19. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.usp.br/anaismp/article/view/178396.. Acesso em: 1 jun. 2024.