The Presence of Italians in Rio de Janeiro: Teaching, Language and Culture during the Empire and the First Republic




Italian language teaching, Italian immigration, Sociolinguistics


This work aims to discuss and analyze the teaching of the Italian language in Rio de Janeiro during the Empire and First Republic, as well as the presence of Italian immigrants in that location. The following factors motivate the present research: the significant number of Italians in Rio de Janeiro (BRASIL, 1872, 1906, 1920), as well as the linguistic plurality prevailing in the Italian communities and in the educational institutions that promoted the study of the Italian language. For this, the regulatory documents for Italian language teaching will be investigated in order to observe the effects of these policies on language teaching. The present article uses as a methodology the documentary analysis from Cellard (2010). On the presence of Italians in Rio de Janeiro, studies by Carmo (2015), Cappelli (2013), Weyrauch (2009) and Vanni (2000) are used. Regarding the teaching of Italian language in the delimited region, the study is developed in the light of research by Pagani (2012) and Gomes (2019). It is concluded that the presence of Italian immigrants played an important role in the development and expansion of Elementary Education in Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Gomes, V. da C. (2020). The Presence of Italians in Rio de Janeiro: Teaching, Language and Culture during the Empire and the First Republic. Revista De Italianística, 40, 19-30.