Uma (in)versão da história do brasil:

a queda do céu, de Davi Kopenawa e Bruce Albert


  • Suene Honorato Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)



Brazil’s history, indigenous history, Davi Kopenawa


The History books of Brazil begin with the narrative of the discovery. After that, they talk about the genocide committed against indigenous peoples. This ordination indicates attachment to writing strength against orality and legitimizes the possession of the land by the colonizer. Knowing primacy of writing in whites’ world, Davi Kopenawa ask the anthropologist Bruce Albert to record his words in a book. A queda do céu results from that. To the shaman, writing proves that white thinking is “full of forgetfulness”. Even so, he uses it to alert to right to existence of culture and ways of life of his people. In that book, the Indian is the subject, not the victim of history process. If we read it as a possible version of Brazil’s history, maybe we will invert some assumptions about the power of writing and we will not let the History (with capital H) repeat itself.


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Author Biography

  • Suene Honorato, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

    Professora da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), no curso de Letras, Campus Universitário do Benfica, Fortaleza. Bacharel em Literatura pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2002), mestre em Letras e Lingüística pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2006) e doutora em Teoria e História Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Trabalho especialmente com poesia brasileira moderna e contemporânea. Atualmente, venho desenvolvendo pesquisa sobre a representação do índio na literatura brasileira.






How to Cite

Honorato, S. (2018). Uma (in)versão da história do brasil:: a queda do céu, de Davi Kopenawa e Bruce Albert. Magma, 25(14), 17-27.