




Samuel Beckett, unword, psychoanalysis, prose, drama


This article mobilizes certain subjects appertaining to Samuel Beckett’s oeuvre while attempting to map some of the aesthetic and political problems presented in his early work, specifically, in the text known as the “German Letter” of 1937, and that will remain as an undercurrent in his mature texts. The focus here will lie mainly on the book The Lost Ones. Thus, I sought to establish a relation between the coveted “unword literature” and the figure of “its lost one”. I consider this text to be the steppingstone for my M.A. research, and I therefore have allowed myself to ask questions that will later on be reviewed and developed upon


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Author Biography

  • Mario Augusto Pedrozo Sagayama, Universidade de São Paulo
    Mario Sagayama faz pesquisa de Mestrado sobre a obra final de Samuel Beckett, sob orientação do prof. dr. Fábio de Souza Andrade (DTLLC - FFLCH - USP)


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