"To Think the Unthinkable": Translating Meschonnic


  • Carmen-Ecaterina Ciobaca Alexandru Ioan Cuza University




Henri Meschonnic , Translation, Rythm, Listening, Orality


This paper deals with the challenges entailed by the translation into Romanian of works belonging to Henri Meschonnic. We discuss in the first section the translation of Translation Studies publications. Translation works are rarely translated, mainly because of the lack of translation projects. We review in the second section the core elements of the philosophy of Meschonnic and examine in the last section the difficulties of translating his books, based on the experience of Pier-Pascale Boulanger as a translator. The source text chosen for the case study is the paper “Traduire ce que les mots ne disent pas, mais ce qu’ils font” (Meta, 1995). Translation is a way of continuing the work of Meschonnic and contributing to the progress of Translation Studies.


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Author Biography

  • Carmen-Ecaterina Ciobaca, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University

    Professora de Francês no curso de Direito da Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
    E-mail: carmen.ciobaca@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Ciobaca, C.-E. (2023). "To Think the Unthinkable": Translating Meschonnic. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 51, 209-228. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2596-2477.i51p209-228