Lavoura Arcaica: multiple voices in the dialogue between romance and film


  • Josmar Reyes PhD in Sciences of Information and Communication, Spectacle Arts and New Technologies at Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle) and researcher professor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos, Brasil) and the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc, Brasil).



Literary adaptation, enunciation and narration, Brazilian literature, Brazilian cinema.


In an intersemiotic perspective, we think about the process of narrative transformation from the literature to the movie, analysing the movie Lavoura Arcaica, directed by Luiz Fernando Carvalho,  based on the novel by Raduan Nassar. The novel, narrated in the first person, finds an enunciative filmic complexification. André tells the episodes of his return to the paternal house, describing the atmosphere and the reflection of the character in a complex space-time process. The film rescues, through the feature of the voice off, the literal speech of the character of the novel. However, this discourse becomes a secondary enunciation in the film due to the enunciative heterogeneity of the movie, marked by the presence of the image and the varied narrative resources (diverse sounds, intra and extradiegetic music, etc.).


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How to Cite

Lavoura Arcaica: multiple voices in the dialogue between romance and film. (2017). Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 4(7).