Muses and Music in the Epistemic Horizons of Ancient Greece


  • Cynthia Gusmão Universidade de São Paulo



Music, memory, recollection, melos, orphism.


The study points the bold presence of memory in the episthemic questions of the ancient greek culture. Firts of all, it analyzes the presence of the goddess Mnemosyne and her daughters the Muses in the hesiodic myth and afterwards the mnemonic devices for the poetic competitions and recita-tions. Then presents the changes that ocurred with the inser-tion of philosophical discourses in the public debates. Then, it approaches the place of Mnemosyne in the orphic cults and the relationship between the pythagorean orphism and the platonismo. Finally, comments some aspects of the aristotelic text On memory and recollection observing analogies betwwen the aristotelic anamesis and the melos description in the aris-toxenian musical philosophy.


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Author Biography

  • Cynthia Gusmão, Universidade de São Paulo
    Doutora pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Muses and Music in the Epistemic Horizons of Ancient Greece. (2016). Revista Música, 16(1), 9-24.