The Occupational Therapy and the actions in the education: deepening interfaces


  • Eucenir Fredini Rocha USP; FM; Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional



Occupational therapy and education, Pertaining to school inclusion, Pertaining to school integration, Occupational therapy and pertaining to school inclusion


OBJECTIVE: To contribute with reflection on the construction of the performance of the Occupational Therapy in the field of education. It presents considerations on the approach of Occupational Therapy, in different paradigms, pointing out the connection of the occupational therapeutical actions to the premises of the special education and to the ones of the international movement of social inclusion. It proposes a dislodging of the perspective of the special education, with the of the concept rejection of "Social Integration" as a whole and of the discussion of the concept of "Inclusion" to elaborate proposals of Occupational Therapy in Education. It thus understands that the contribution of the Occupational Therapy in the field of education must aim at a praxis inspired by the search of the glad passions, from the ethical-political commitment with the suffering of the other, as it places Espinosa, where the process of the construction of a positivity of the social inclusion can be in different forms, presented in propositive ways on the text.


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How to Cite

Rocha, E. F. (2007). The Occupational Therapy and the actions in the education: deepening interfaces . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 18(3), 122-127.