Information For Authors

Information and Guidelines for Authors 

Estilos da Clínica. Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas [Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood] publishes only previously unpublished articles on psychoanalytic studies in the area of education, and focuses particularly on the vicissitudes of childhood. It does not accept articles sent simultaneously to books or other periodicals in Brazil or abroad. Texts that do not comply with the journal’s editorial criteria and do not follow the formatting rules (fail to use the Template) and bibliographic standards will be immediately returned to the authors. The deadline for response (acceptance or refusal) will vary depending on the complexity of the evaluations and on any modifications suggested and subsequently made. The dates for receipt and approval of texts will be informed in the journal. It is up to the editors to define the thematic criteria for the articles approved for each issue of the journal.            

Estilos da Clínica is a free, open access publication without any publishing fees. It has traditionally published texts in Portuguese but from 2019 will also publish texts in their original languages (English, French, Italian and Spanish).

The journal also publishes information about doctoral theses defended in the field of psychoanalytic studies in education under the heading "Current Research". Those interested in divulging this sort f information must send to Estilos da Clínica an abstract of the thesis in Portuguese (15-20 lines), its title and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the makeup of the examination board, and the name of the program through which the thesis was defended.

All article proposals, as well as information on these defended, must be submitted through the journal website at

When submitting work, the authors’ details and institutional affiliation must be filled in the appropriate fields of the editorial platform and should not be included in the body of the text, which will be sent for blind peer review. Other references that may allow a reviewer to indirectly infer the authorship of a text will not be accepted. Copyright information will be recorded separately as metadata and retrieved only by the publishers. It is important to emphasize that after submission co-authors may not be included or excluded.


When writing the article, the following guidelines should be observed: 

  • The text must be written using the Template file in the journal’s website, which can be found at Do not add author names or details. The text may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French or Italian. If in Portuguese, it must include abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish. If in one of the other accepted languages, it must only include an abstract in the language in which it is written. If accepted for publishing, the Portuguese translation will be the authors’ responsibility, as will the English and Spanish abstracts and keywords of texts in Portuguese. The journal will publish both versions – the Portuguese translation and the original in one of the four accepted foreign languages.
  • Texts that do not comply with the formatting standards or rules governing bibliographical citations will not be accepted but may be re-submitted after the requisite changes have been made.
  • Proofreading prior to submission is the authors’ responsibility. Only proofread texts will be forwarded for publishing.
  • Texts written in the Template file must be saved as .DOC ou .DOCX (Word for Windows). All pages must be numbered, with numbers in the right-hand footer. The text must be 30,000-50,000 characters long, excluding spaces between characters, the references and abstracts.
  • Template standards must be complied with. The font size for the headings, sub-headings, body of the text and references are duly specified. If necessary, use the Word font menu. Unused tables, figures and charts must be deleted.
  • The title of the article must not exceed 15 words and must reliably express the content.
  • The abstract must be 100-200 words long and include the following items without enumerating the topics: general theme and research problem; objectives and methodological strategy; main findings and conclusions. The journal recommends concise and affirmative sentences, using the active voice and third-person singular, and not leaving lines between paragraphs.

Neologisms, bibliographical citations, symbols and contractions that are not in common use, as well as formulas, equations, diagrams, etc. should be avoided unless strictly necessary. The journal also requires abstracts in English and Spanish for texts in Portuguese. If accepted, texts originally submitted in English, Spanish, French or Italian must be submitted in Portuguese with abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

  • Keywords: 3-5 in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • Acknowledgments (optional) should be cited in a footnote and without any direct or indirect references to the author(s).
  • The formatting of the text must comply with the following rules:
  • The text must be typed according to the template guidelines. If tables, footnotes, etc. are not used, they must be deleted.

        Use bold for the heading, subheading, text and headings in the body of the text (after the introductory paragraph(s)).

        To highlight or emphasize words, use italics rather than bold or underlining.

        Citations in the body of the text must obey the following criteria:

  1. a) Do not use bold or italics for citations. Citations of up to three lines must be incorporated into the paragraph in quotation marks and include the following information in brackets: author surname, year of publication and page number;
  2. b) Textual citations of over three lines must be contained in a separate paragraph, with a 3cm indentation, written in font size 10 and without quotation marks, as demonstrated in the Template;
  3. c) If there is no textual citation but only a reference to the author, their surname must be indicated in brackets in upper case, along with the year of publication.
  • Explanatory footnotes must be used sparingly and only when strictly necessary. The notes must be numbered with Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they appear in the text and placed in the footnotes of each page, as per the Template model.
  • Tables, charts, graphs and figures (photos, drawings and maps) must be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they appear, always referred to in the body of the text, and headed by their respective title. Captions must be placed immediately below their respective figures. Maps must contain a scale and graphic caption.
  • Images must be submitted in JPG with a 300-dpi resolution in dimensions that allow them to be enlarged or reduced without impairing legibility. All images must be submitted separately in their original files. The name of each file should match the name of the image (for example, Chart 1).
  • Citations in the text and bibliographical references should be standardized according to the standards issued by the American Psychological Association (APA). These standards are available on the IPUSP website at:


Citations must be presented by author surname followed by year of publication.

E.g. Levin (1991) or (Levin, 1991)

Lacan (2003) or (Lacan, 2003)

In citations with two authors, surnames cited in brackets should be linked by an ampersand [&] and when quoted in the text by the word and (e in Portuguese, y in Spanish, and so on).

E.g. Laplanche and Pontalis (1988) or (Laplanche & Pontalis, 1988)

In citations of three to five authors, all authors should be cited the first time they appear in the text and subsequent citations should contain the first author’s surname followed by 'et al.'.


First time authors are cited in the text: Labov, Cohen, Robins and Lewis (1968) or (Labov, Cohen, Robins & Lewis, 1968)

In subsequent citations: Labov et al. (1968) or (Labov et al., 1968)

N.B. In the final list of bibliographical references, mention all authors in the order in which they appear in the publication.

In the case of citations with six or more authors, the surname of the first author must be cited followed by 'et al.'.

E.g. Hays et al. (2002) or (Hays et al., 2002)

Textual quotations (literal transcriptions of a text) should be contained in double quotation marks, followed by the surname of the author, date and page quoted.

Note: when citing statements or interviews, italics should be used and the guidelines for textual citations followed.

E.g. Asked about the quality of their undergraduate courses, about 70% of respondents say that they are insufficient. Respondent 2, for example, stated that "the degree was insufficient, inadequate as training for practice. Practice requires general training and critical thinking."

In indirect or secondary citations, that is, when one idea is extracted from another source, use the expression "as cited in".

E.g. For Silva (1981) as cited in Gomes (1998)

Note: in the bibliographical references, mention only the work consulted (in this case, Gomes, 1998).

When citing several authors on the same idea, author surnames should be referenced in alphabetical order.

E.g. (Aubry, 1986; Coriat, 1997; Stefan, 1991)

For documents with different dates of publication and the same author, list the author's surname and the years of publication in chronological order.

E.g. Mannoni (1981, 1990, 1995)

In quotes from documents with the same publication date and author, lower case letters should be added after the year of publication.

E.g. Winnicott (1975a, 1975b) or (Winnicott, 1975a, 1975b)

For citations of information obtained through informal channels (lectures, conferences, personal communication, personal correspondence, etc.), the information should be added in brackets after the citation.

E.g. (Verbal information, July 27, 2002)

For quotations obtained from websites, the electronic address should be indicated in brackets after the information.

E.g. (

N.B. They do not need to be listed in the bibliographical reference list at the end of the text.

When citing old and republished work, the date of the original publication must be mentioned first, separated from the date of the edition by a slash [/].

E.g. Freud (1930/1980) or (Freud, 1930/1980), Skinner (1953/1989) or (Skinner, 1953/1989).


Only work cited in the text should be included in the bibliography, which should appear under the title References at the end of the article and on a separate page.

Publications must be listed in alphabetical order of the author’s last surname. In the case of more than one work by the same author, references should be arranged in chronological order of publication. 



Lacan, J. (1995). O seminário, livro 4. A relação de objeto (D. D. Estrada, trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. (Oral presentation in 1956-57, Original published in 1994). 

Lacan, J. (1973). Le séminaire, livre 11. Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse. Paris: Seuil (Oral presentation in 1964). 

Bion, W. R. (1991). O aprender com a experiência (P. Correa, Trans.). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. 

Freitag, B. (1991). Piaget e a filosofia. São Paulo: Universidade Estadual Paulista. 

N.B. When the author is the organizer: 

Oliveira, V. B. & Bossa, N.A. (Orgs.). (1996). Avaliação psicopedagógica da criança de sete a onze anos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. 

N.B. Texts with date of original edition: 

Winnicott, D. W. (1989). Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena. In D. Winnicott, Playing and Reality (pp. 13-44). São Paulo: Martins Fontes (Original published in 1971). 

When citing the place of publication, according to the APA, the state or country does not need to be included in the case of internationally recognized major cities. In the case of Brazil, we have chosen not to mention the state acronym for the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. 


Pfromm Neto, S. (1990). Psicologia: Introdução e guia de estudo (2nd ed.). São Paulo: EPU. 

Foucault, M. (1980). Historia da sexualidade: A vontade de saber (3rd ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Graal. 

Dalgalarrondo, P. (2000). Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais. Porto Alegre, RS: ARTMED. 

Oliveira, V.B. & Bossa, N.A. (Orgs.). (1996). Avaliação psicopedagógica da criança de sete a onze anos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. 

Book chapters:

Freud, S. (1996). Sobre o narcisismo: uma introdução. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (J. Solomon, Trans., Vol. 14, pp. 77-113). Rio Janeiro: Imago (Original published 1914).

Freud, S. (1973). El yo y el ello. In S. Freud, Obras completas (L. Lopez-Ballesteros & De Torres, Trans., 3rd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 2701- 2728). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva (Original published in 1923).

Lacan, J. (1988). De uma questão preliminar a todo tratamento possível da psicose. In J. Lacan, Escritos (V. Ribeiro, Trans., pp. 537-590). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar (Original published 1966).

Lajonquière, L. (2011). A mestria da palavra: isso duro de roer na formação de professores. In L. M. Mrech & M. R. Pereira (Orgs.), Psicanálise, transmissão e formação de professores. (pp. 115-133). Belo Horizonte, MG: Fino Traço.

Ruffino, R. (1993). Sobre o lugar da adolescência na teoria do sujeito. In C. R. Rappaport (Org.), Adolescência: Abordagem psicanalítica (pp. 25-56). São Paulo: Ed. Pedagógica e Universitária.

Magazine articles:

Miller, J.-A. (2003). O último ensino de Lacan. Opção Lacaniana, (35), 5-24.

Levin, E. (1998). A garatuja como vestígio das letras. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 3 (4), 120-3.

Santeiro, T. V. (2000, July/December). Criatividade em psicanálise: Produção científica internacional (1996-1998). Psicologia: Teoria e Prática, 2 (2), 43-59.

Larrosa, J. B. (2002). Notas sobre a experiência e o saber da experiência. Revista Brasileira de Educação, (19), 20-28. doi:10.1590/S1413-24782002000100003.

Event work published in abstracts or annals:

Alves, I. C. B., Ruivo, R. J. & Colosio, R. (1992). O Teste R-1: precisão e estudos dos itens. In Resumos de Comunicações Científicas, XXII Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p.31). Ribeirão Preto, SP: Psychology Society of Ribeirão Preto.

Amaral, L. A. (2001). Atividade física e diferença significativa/deficiência: algumas questões psicossociais remetidas à inclusão (pp. 30-31). In Anais, 4° Congresso Brasileiro de Atividade Motora Adaptada, 2001. Curitiba, PR: SOBAMA.

Theses or dissertations:

Granja, E. C. (1995). Produção científica: Dissertações e teses do IPUSP (1980/1989). Ph.D thesis, Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo.

Newspaper articles:

Frayze-Pereira, J.A. (1998, May 22). Arte destrói a comunicação comum e instaura a incomum. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Section 5, p. 24.

Published interviews:

Silveira, E. (1992, August 23). O ideal moderno de namorado [Interview with César Ades]. Jornal do Brasil, p. 9.

Documents from electronic sources:

Periodical articles:

Paiva, G.J. (2000). Dante Moreira Leite: Um pioneiro da psicologia social no Brasil. Psicologia USP, 11 (2). Retrieved on Mar. 12 2001, from SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library OnLine): http: //

Saboia, C. (2015). O brincar precoce do bebê como indicador de riscos de sofrimento psíquico. Estilos da Clínica, 20 (2), 181-193. DOI: 10.11606 / issn.1981-1624.v20i2p181-193

Abstracts from periodical articles:

Bernardino, L. M. F. (2001). A clínica das psicoses na infância: Impasses e invenções [Resumo]. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 6(11), 82-91. Retrieved on Jan. 9 2003, from Base de Dados Index Psi Periódicos: http://www.bvspsi.


Walker, J. R. & Taylor, T. (2000, March). The elements of citation. New York: Columbia

University Press. Retrieved on Mar. 31 2001: