É possível traduzir poesia? O poeta húngaro Kosztolányi, na virada do século XX


  • Zsuzsanna Spiry




Literary translation, Translation of poetry, Hungarian literary system, Paulo Rónai, Kosztolányi Dezső.


When thematically organized in a single entirety, Paulo Rónai’s literary production surprised for its dimensions and features. Upon examining his work as a whole, a real man of letters was discovered, one that the European conflicts of the first half of the 20th century impelled to elect Brazil as his second homeland. In order to understand such a work it was necessary to search for its origins, the molds in which it has been forged. The research revealed that the Hungarian literary system, due to its singular characteristics, has developed a very particular relationship with translation, and still even more specific with literary translation and poetry. This text aims to evidence these particularities and takes a text written by the Hungarian poet Kosztolányi Dezső as typical of its theoretical stream that, it is believed, served as a foundation for Paulo Rónai’s literary production, an author who, in Brazil, was able to harvest the fruits that had sprouted in the Hungarian lands of his youth.


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Author Biography

  • Zsuzsanna Spiry
    Mestre em tradução pela Universidade de São Paulo.






How to Cite

Spiry, Z. (2010). É possível traduzir poesia? O poeta húngaro Kosztolányi, na virada do século XX. TradTerm, 16, 129-147. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.tradterm.2010.46316